Most NAMES and PLACES on this blog have been removed or altered for privacy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8/25/11 WRONG Enviroment

Dear family,

Wow...this week was a blur and I'm not quite sure what happened...Monday night, Elder S. and I were tracting and we got invited into this house and we were talking to this lady who we think was possessed but we're not quite sure. Neither one of us could feel the spirit and there was something definitely WRONG about the environment we were in. It shook my companion up badly and we got out of there and called our mission president. We explained what happened to him and how we felt and he told us that "we just suffered a full on attack by Satan"....yikes....we're both fine. It was definitely a new experience....Then we ran into a drunk guy named joke...he showed us his drivers license and it said L...On Thursday I taught district meeting on Revelation through church was good, but could have been better. After the District meeting I went on splits with my district leader and I went with his comp. back to their area. We taught a couple lessons there and it was pretty good. I finally got back to my area on Sunday night where me and my companion tracted for a while....nothing much happened this week. really don't have anything to write about...Thank you for the pictures mom. Kimmee isn't allowed to wear make-up because it makes her look way to old!!! NO MAKE-UP FOR KIMMEE!!! You're not allowed to grow up...sorry Kim....Thank you all for your letters and I'm sorry to hear about your cousin mom...Thank you all for your many e-mails! they are very much appreciated!
Elder Raymond the 2nd

8/15/11 I Was in the Middle of a Freaking Tornado!!!

Dear family,
This past week has been insane!!!! On Monday, we were helping a woman move stuff from a storage unit into her barn when the wind went cold....uh,oh...So I look up and directly above me the clouds are swirling.....even the other elders and I get into the truck and drive as fast as we can away and out of a storm that built up out of nowhere. The wind is blowing all around us and we can barely see because of the winds, dust, rain, and other things flying through the air. We get out of the storm and I look behind us and I see what looks like a storm cloud, except it was touching the ground...It wasn't until I saw it move across the road behind us, suck up a gas station, and go back up into the sky that I realized that it was a tornado!!! I was in the middle of a freaking tornado!!! So, the other elders and I go to a members house (we're all fine by the way) and on the news it says the storage unit that we were at was destroyed and that they were experiencing "high winds"....SERIOUSLY?! HIGH WINDS?! No. It was a tornado. no one would believe us, despite the fact that five of us saw it, until about a week later the news people apparently said that they were more than high winds, there was actually a tornado.....OF COURSE THERE WAS A TORNADO!!! We were running away from it. It was pretty funny.
My zone leaders (Elder O., and Elder K.) are training this transfer so they are in a trio. Their Trainee's name is Elder D. and he is from California. One day we were talking about the area that he was in and he mentioned San Bernandino, so I asked him if he had ever met Dustan B. guess what? He has! Him and his family and some other families would get together with the elders and have kind of a mass family home evening! It was pretty cool to hear that Dustan is doing alright. It's amazing how small the world is when you move around alot.
One of the elders in my district is super-uber competitive and for p-day he bought a 50$ nerf gun....50$!!! it was ridiculous. so the zone leaders asked him why on earth he would do that and he said "so that I can win"....of course when you say that everyone is going to do all that they can to make sure that you lose. So the zone leaders, my companion and I, all bought 3$ nerf guns from wal-mart and we are going to dominate him later today :) It's going to be awesome.
Anyway, my area has been really, really, slow lately and we've done lots of tracting and service. I don't have any super cool stories that apply to missionary work this week though.....
Our mission is getting infested with bed-bugs though from elders accidentally spreading it to each other's apartments when they go to sleep over....It's unfortunate, and I'm not going to let them spread to our area hahaha. That's about all that has happened with me this week. Thank you all for your many e-mails and I appreciate them greatly.
Mom, If you could send me Emma's address that would be great, then I could send her letters. That's super sad that she had to leave, but it will be better for her to actually be with her family.
Love you all uber much,
Elder Raymond the 2nd

8/8/11 Hard Work and Miracles

Alec, Mom, Dad, Caiti, Kimmee, and anyone else you show this too,

This week has been interesting.....First off we had transfers on the 3rd of august. My breaker (my second companion) is Elder S. He's from Utah, and he wants to be a doctor after his mission. He's awesome and we like alot of the same things and have the same opinions and views of alot of things. Everyone told me that I would hate my second companion because he was not my trainer...well they were wrong......sorry, it's true.....Elder S. is awesome. So we had to scrap all of our old investigators because none of them were progressing and the area book hadn't been updated since June....(sigh) pretty much we're trying to shotgun (start over) El Reno. Within the last five days I've gotten 3 flat tires but it was all worth it. I was witness to a miracle this week. We have a less active guy in our ward who doesn't really go to church anymore, and we (the missionaries) have been helping him fix his farm up after those tornadoes that hit Oklahoma in may. He lost pretty much everything so we've been trying to put up fences and T-posts...and while he was working he tore a major part of his upper arm up. I don't know exactly what was wrong with it but he couldn't use his arm or put any weight on it. Anyway, I get a call from a sister in our ward asking if we're going to go give this guy a blessing.....WHAT....? Apparently he had told her that he had asked us and we had told him we I called this less-active guy and asked him if he actually did want a blessing, and he said he did because he was to go into surgery the next day around 2:00. So Elder S. and I drove out to his house, and gave him a blessing. We left and went about the rest of our day, not really thinking anything more of it. Anyway, the next day, we get a call from that same sister who called us the day before and what does she tell us? She tells us that the guy who we gave the blessing too went into surgery and when they did x-rays or whatever, his arm was fully healed!!! WHOAH!!! MIND ABSOLUTELY BLOWN!!! It was an amazing testimony builder of that the church is true and that the priesthood really is the authority and power to act in god's name. I was extremely grateful to the Lord for allowing me to be an instrument in his hands to bring something so amazing to pass. That's all that happened this week, but it's so awesome it literally made my week, and I'm still in awe.

Love you all,
Elder Raymond the 2nd

P.S. Never let anyone tell you the church isn't true, because it most definitely is.

8/1/11 1st Transfer Panic!

To all those that read this at one point or another,

Thank you all for your e-mails. I love all the stories and experiences that you guys have! Not much has happened with me this past week. I have my first transfer coming up in august 3rd. My trainer is leaving me!!! AUGH!!! It means that I will be in charge of the area until my new companion learns the area and the investigators! I'm terrified....Anyway, my new companions name is Elder S. I've never met him before, but everyone tells me that he's really cool and I'm going to have a really good time with him as my new companion. all the investigators that I have written to you guys about previously have pretty much dropped us or stood us up so many times that we're going to have to drop them because we can never reach them anyway.....grrr....uber frustrating. We've found a couple new people though that are interested so it makes it better.
Dad, I love your letters. They are officially awesome.
That's literally all that's happened with me for a while and I don't have anything else to talk, love you all!

Elder Raymond the 2nd


I have a account. It's under Bryan. You can also find it if you just type in Oklahoma. I would e-mail Sophie, Shanika, and Stella, but I don't have their e-mail addresses. I sent a letter to Sophie and Shanika today, but I don't have Stella's address. I'm doing pretty well. Nothing e-mail worthy happened today....except that Elder N. was attacked by a Chihuahua..."sigh"....I'm glad to hear that you're doing well :).
Love you mucho!
-Elder Raymond the 2nd

7/11/11 This Week Was... INTERESTING...

Dear Family and everyone else that sees this,

This week was interesting. The last time that I e-mailed was last Wednesday because I couldn't on Monday or Tuesday. Interesting things that happened with me this week.....hmmmm......OH! I met a crazy native American guy the other day! We were just leaving an appointment when this elderly guy beckons to us to come talk to him. I think he may have been drunk however I'm not quite sure. Anyway, we bike over introduce ourselves and ask how we can help him. He tells us that he's "looking for a bible study..."...great....We told him that we don't do bible studies however we'd be happy to talk to him about our church and the book of Mormon and answer any questions that he had. Anyway, we talked to him for a while and then we asked how we could help him, he asked that we pray for him. So we prayed with him right there on the side of the street. Anyway, in the middle of the prayer this guys just breaks down in tears! I was the one that was praying and I started to worry a little bit....After the prayer he kept telling us how he admires us for what we're doing and this whole time tears are just running down his face and he keeps repeating "I'm looking for a bible study"....It was a really cool, really weird, and frankly, flat out strange experience....poor guy...Now that I think about it I think that he was definitely drunk.....
I don't know if I've told you about D. and D. I'm going to :). My companion and one of his other companions were out tracting and talking to people when they encountered a couple on the street. They went through the whole schpiel and asked if they would be interested in learning more. Unfortunately they said no, however that's usually what happens so they just moved on to the next people that they saw. Anyway, Elder N. (my companion/trainer/dad) and I were on exchanges and Elder N. and the person he was with were tracting and they were knocking on a door and lo and behold, IT WAS THE SAME PEOPLE AGAIN!!! So they once again talked to them, however this time they said that they could come back and were willing to learn more. So Elder N. and I went to their house (this was my first time meeting them) and knocked on the door and the wife answered it and she yelled into the house, quote "D..., your Mormon friends are here!"...It was quite funny....Anyway we got into the house and we talked to D. and D. and they had some really good questions, which we eagerly answered, and afterward they said that we were more than welcome to come back anytime! SWEET!!! So, we recently went back and talked to them some more. This time we extended the invitation for them to go to church, and they said that they would and they invited us to go to their church which Elder N. agreed to....It could be interesting, however I don't know, so I'll be sure to tell you how it went when we go at some point...They're a really nice couple and they told us that they love talking to us and we're always welcome to come back again! So, our discussions have been going really well with them and I'm always excited when we go and teach them.
Another cool investigator that we have is B. He's an older guy who's around high 50's low 60's, and he's interested in other religions. His family has been Baptist for over 100 years, so he said he wasn't looking to be converted or looking for another church, however, because we're missionaries we just take that as a "work harder"....anyway we've gone over to see him a couple times and he's always willing to talk and listen. Elder N. and I just figured that we were going to have to do a little Covert Conversion on this one....mwahahahaha...anyway, we're still working on him and he's reading the Book of Mormon, so we'll just keep going back to see if there's anything that we can do to help him.
Something else........did you know that we get more food offers and dinner offers from investigators and non-members than actual members?! It's ridiculous...oh well...
Elder N. got a piece of Iron stuck in his eye.....That was interesting....One day he starts telling me how his eye is bugging him, and he goes and looks at it in the mirror and there's a tiny bit of something stuck in the iris of his eye. Anyway we try and get it out using a variety of tools, don't ask.....Suffice to say, it didn't work. So we called Sis. T (the mission pres. wife) and asked her what we should do. She told us to try and get it out (which we already didn't work) and when we told her that it wouldn't come out, she told us to wait and DON'T RUB IT!!! She called us back about 5 minutes later and told us that we needed to go to the doctor...great....So we went to the doctor, got into the office, and this is Elder Naisbitts first time at the eye doctor since he was really young so he's a little apprehensive, and the doctor looks in his eye and says he has a small piece of iron in his eye! What?! How on earth that go there I don't know...I guess that means we can't smack each other in the face with iron pans...dang it....anyway, the doctor said it would relatively easy to dislodge, but he would have to numb his eye....ok, no problem....The doctor leaves and comes back with the eye drops and what does he do? HE PUTS IT IN THE WRONG EYE!!! At this point I'm laughing my head off (silently of course) and thinking about how well this doctor was doing to inspire Elder N. confidence.....Anyway, we tell him he put it in the wrong eye and so the doctor puts the numbing stuff in Elder N. iron contaminated eye. Then he pulls out this tool that looks like one of those picks that dentists use to clean plaque off your teeth....At this point, after the doctors mistake with the eye drops, I'm seriously concerned for the safety of my companions face!!! He approaches Elder N. eye with the pick of doom and Elder N. gets this uber-worried look on his face and asks "Whoa! What are you going to do with that?!" The doctor just used it to scrape the surface of his eye and get the piece of iron out of his eye and tells him, "you have a hole in your eye now, but just use these drops and it won't get infected, however it will hurt for about 24 hours..." NO DUH IT WILL HURT!!! You just used a dental pick on my companions eyeball!!! Anyway the doctor did a good job and Elder N. is fully healed from the iron incident....
So that's about all that's happened with me. Thank you for the family letter e-mails! Hope your all doing great, and I now have alot of time to e-mail so e-mails are good now :)

Elder Lord Byron of the Swamp

7/6/11 First Letter from "The Field"

So, I'm doing pretty well. I got the first stages of heatstroke a couple days ago but I'm fine now. The weather right now is anywhere from 103-110 degree's and it's humid....augh......Let's just say that bottled water has become my best friend. We don't drink the tap water here because when it comes out there are suspended solids in's white....."shudder".....We have 3 new investigators, and things are going really well down here. Alright...about my bike....So when I got to Oklahoma they told me that ctr bikes had broken the derailer (an important part) on my bike and they were going to send me another one for free so that we can fix it and I should get my bike by the end of the week ( I've been using a rental bike). Anyway I wait and wait and wait...and the AP's finally arrive with my bike AND IT'S STILL BROKEN!!! Apparently the elder who was supposed to fix my bike just broke it some more.....augh.....So I haven't ridden my bike yet because it's stinkin' broken because everyone keeps trying to fix it....fortunately we're going to just take it to a bike shop and have them fix it for us and if they break it, I'm going to be quite upset.....very unto a whale that had to spit out Jonah.....Tracting is an interesting experience. I met my first elderly educated person who actually believed that we practiced polygamy.....this is how the conversation went...
-Elder N., "hi, we're from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints.....have you ever talked to missionaries before?"
-old guy, "yeah I don't believe in what you teach!!!"
-Elder N., (my trainer) "like what?!"
-old guy, "Like the unholy practice of having multiple wives!"
-Elder N., "we don't believe in polygamy..."
-old guy, "If your Mormon you do!!!"
All I was thinking was wow....thanks for telling me what I believe......raurgh....crazy person.....Anyway my companion is awesome. As I said before in a previous letter, his name is Elder N. and he's from Utah. He's been out for about 7 months and he's my trainer. He teaches me alot and I learn alot from him. We get along really well despite the fact that we're polar opposites...The other day while tracting we were nearly attacked by a Chihuahua and Elder N. was about to smack it with a Book of funny as that would have been I had to stop him and we just walked off...Anyway we got a referral from the sisters in our area for a couple and we went and checked it out. Turns out it was the house with the Demon Chihuahua, and the lady who owned it really like her dogs....I can only imagine how that contact would've turned out if Elder N. had smitten that quadrupled spawn of Satan with the word of God....(It sounds so much funnier when you say it that way)...
The food here is awesome. I haven't eaten anything weird yet because it's mostly like mom's cooking. although sadly our apartment is sadly lacking in I stick with LOTS of pb&j's...We don't get many dinner appointments because no one loves us....I'm just joking....our area doesn't have many members in it so we just double up dinner appointments with the elders from an area next to ours call Yukon. Anyway sorry about this e-mail taking so long, the 4 of July was on Monday which is our p-day and the college who's computers we hijack was closed on the 4th and the 5th. Thank you for the e-mails and I'm uber excited to get the letters from you guys! I'm doing great and I'm loving it out here. I'm learning so much and I'm so glad I have this opportunity.

Love you all,

-Elder Lord Byron of the Swamp